
What is Psychotherapy ?

What is Psychotherapy ?  With some may factors in deciding to see a counselor or therapist, what does it all mean What type of therapy do I need ? What do all of the therapists title's mean ? Many people misrepresent what psychotherapy means. If you are looking for answers to these questions and many more, please reach out and...[ read more ]

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A Man’s guide to marriage counseling that I didn’t think I wanted ( or needed)

Yes, it can and will be challenging. I hated going every time I went. I would get my mind full of negative thoughts the days, hours and minutes before going. I cried, yelled, laughed and even walked out one time but I always left feeling that we had made some progress and never regretted going. It's a process that you...[ read more ]

A Man’s guide to marriage counseling that I didn’t think I needed (or wanted)

A Man's guide to marriage counseling that I didn't think I needed (or wanted) Questions and feelings I had: How long do I have to go ? How does this psychologist know how to solve our problems ? How much is this going to cost ? Do they take insurance ? Why can't we just figure it out ? I...[ read more ]

A Man’s guide to marriage counseling that I didn’t think I needed (or wanted)

It took me 2 years to understand why I was there. I hated going every time but I felt progress in my life and in my marriage. Then another to get it. One session I got punched in the brain. ( not literally :) 4 weeks later I think my wife got punched in the brain as well. End of...[ read more ]

1375 Gateway Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(561) 314-5074

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