
Always Remember This !!!!!!!!!

[caption id="attachment_722" align="alignnone" width="300"] Always Remember This !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/caption] Grapes must be crushed to make wine. Diamonds form under pressure. Olives are pressed to release oil. Seeds grow in darkness. Whenever you feel crushed, Under pressure, Pressed, Or in darkness, You are in a powerful place of transformation. TRUST THE PROCESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Man’s guide to marriage counseling that I didn’t think I needed (or wanted)

A Man's guide to marriage counseling that I didn't think I needed (or wanted) Questions and feelings I had: How long do I have to go ? How does this psychologist know how to solve our problems ? How much is this going to cost ? Do they take insurance ? Why can't we just figure it out ? I...[ read more ]

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Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(561) 314-5074

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