
One mans journey through individual and marriage counseling

Where to begin. I have been avoiding counseling for my entire life. I have been in 3 serious relationships and a couple of minor ones :)all with therapists e. Maybe I was looking for help but didn't know how to get it. I finally married the last one :). Still I avoided therapy I went once 7 years ago for...[ read more ]

Always Remember This !!!!!!!!!

[caption id="attachment_722" align="alignnone" width="300"] Always Remember This !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/caption] Grapes must be crushed to make wine. Diamonds form under pressure. Olives are pressed to release oil. Seeds grow in darkness. Whenever you feel crushed, Under pressure, Pressed, Or in darkness, You are in a powerful place of transformation. TRUST THE PROCESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Progress in Therapy & Life

Little progress is better than no progress at all.  Success comes in taking many small steps one at a time. If you stumble in a small step, it rarely matters. Let the failures go and keep stepping towards your goals.  Remember, just because you aren't making progress as fast as you think you should, it doesn't mean that you aren't...[ read more ]

Living With Anxiety

Let one of our therapists in Boca Raton help you with your anxiety.    Living with anxiety is like being followed by a voice. It knows all of you insecurities and uses them against you. It gets to the point when it's the loudest voice in the room. The only one that you can hear.

1375 Gateway Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
(561) 314-5074

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